Brabantsedag 2012

Today is the official start of the 2012 Brabantsedag season. Like previous years, Matte! Nande? helped design a float for Ietskes Schif for the fabulous parade. This year, we will build a World War 2 themed float. We based it on the story of the brave villagers of Wouw. They risked their lives to rescue the statues of the St Lambertuskerk, which the germans were planning to blow up.

You can watch a trailer here:

In the past weeks we’ve being using afterwork time to sculpt some decorations in our studio. We will make molds out of these sculptures, so we can replicate them as much as we want and decorate our whole float with them.

01-06-angel 01-06-wings 01-06-cross

Come check out our float at the Brabantsedag in Heeze on the 26th of august if you have the chance!

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